Preheat the oven to 375ºF.
Heat the oil in a fryer or large pot to 350ºF.
While the oven and oil are heating, divide the sausage roll into 8 pieces and roll into balls.
Bake the sausage balls for about 15 minutes or until cooked through. Remove from the oven and allow to cool. Reserve.
While the sausage balls are cooling, whisk together the cornmeal, flour, sugar, salt, onion powder, and baking powder.
Whisk together the egg and milk, then stir into the dry ingredients to combine.
Skewer each sausage ball with a small-but-sturdy stick.
Dip the sausage balls one by one into the batter and gently place them in the hot oil.
Cook for about 5 minutes, turning frequently to ensure even browning, until deep golden brown.
Drain the corn dogs on paper towels and allow to cool slightly.
While the corn dogs are cooling, combine the sriracha and syrup.
Serve the corn dogs warm with spicy syrup on the side.